Download Fortnite for iPhone

Get Fortnite for iPhone today! Download Fortnite for iPhone X, 8, 8 PLUS, 7, 6, 5 and iphone4. As the most popular game around the globe at the moment, Fortnite can add yet another victory to its list of victories. At the beginning of April 2018, Fortnite debuted on iOS devices just in an attempt to measure the impact of the game on the iPhone devices users.

However, it turned out that Fortnite is probably going to conquer the iPhones pretty easily. In less than a month, the game implementation in the iPhones turned out to have positive feedbacks; and the iPhone version of the notorious Fortnite was more than successful with more than 25 million dollars in its debut month.

In fact, the idea of initiating Fortnite via the iPhones as the first mobile version of the game is a calculated move that led to the increasing of popularity of the already popular game; plus, Apple customers can now indulge in entertaining gaming sessions effortlessly. The daily gaming sessions of Fortnite via the iPhone reached over than one million player a day on the App Store. Fortunately, the Fortnite app exceeded other well-known apps on the Apple Store such as YouTube and Tinder.

Download Fortnite for iPhone

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