A Leak for Fortnite

For about a week now, it is likely you have seen certain breaches between dimensions absolutely eat up some of the landmarks on the map of Fortnite. Some of these landmarks include signs that you can find in Lonely Lodge, Retail Row, Greasy Grove and Tomato Town.

This week, however, you are likely to see something different. For instance, now you can find breach portals in places that are totally and completely random in nature. It might be the middle-of-nowhere appearance of a patch of grass that spits something out. On the other hand, it might be an anchor, obviously old and possibly from ancient Greece. However, the data mine will say it could possibly be an artifact of a Viking nature.

A recent new portal appeared, shimmering, near the areas of Moisty Mire and the prison. You might have found it atop a little hill that, at any other time, you would never have a reason for visiting. The portal there sits in a nest of weeds, just waiting.

However, thanks to a Twitter leak by Fortrise Leaks, the answer may be closer than you think. They extracted images from a game file of a set of bones, an anchor and a wagon. The theory now is that the location will also be spitting out the other objects when the portal is opened again. The idea goes on to suggest the bones may come from the small hill, as the place is actually quite small and might not be able to spit out an entire wagon.

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Some of the leaks suggest that other opened portals might appear around Moisty Mire, while a still bigger theory is that the Mire itself will be changed into a desert for the upcoming 5th season of the game. The latter, rhetorically speaking would be a Wild West theme, which will be time-breached. Both the bones and the wagon are used for the theory idea.

It is currently unknown exactly what the bones are, in the leaked image. Obviously, they are not of a human origin, but some are guessing it could be either a dinosaur or even an alligator. This is bothersome for the Wild West theme theory, in that it leaves one to wonder how these bones would correlate to such a theme.

Stay tuned for more opened breach news and possibly more leaks that will be forth coming.

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